robot barvoice control
with our robot bar, we have created a prototype that is operated via a voice control system. the drinks can simply be ordered via voice command.

the system is based on an ai system that uses deep learning to evaluate voice commands and is thus getting better and better in order to be able to minimize incorrect inputs. the necessary hotwords, synonyms and alternative phrases must be defined and configured in advance. an exact word sequence or a specific sentence structure do not have to be taken into account when entering the language by the user.
voice control can also handle colloquial phrases (natural language understanding), provided that the defined keywords are included. the user can therefore interact with the machine intuitively and without prior training and can also simply enter complex commands using the familiar language. the recording of the spoken feedback from the machine is also maximally intuitive, as the user automatically listens.
fortschrittam bau
der bau unserer neuen fertigungshalle hat begonnen.
die betonträger der halle stehen, aktuell werden die querstreben für die wandverkleidung angebracht. die 24 meter langen leimbinder für das dach kommen in kürze. außerdem sind die tiefbauarbeiten für den büroteil in vollem gange.

wir investieren und werden unterstützt.
das land baden-württemberg und die eu bezuschussen unser bauprojekt und unsere investition in den standort deutschland.